
Burton C of E Primary School

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Burton C of E Primary School

Home Page

Years 3 and 4

Welcome to Years 3 and 4



Foxes, Rabbits and Badgers


Foxes, Rabbits and Badgers are taught by 

Mrs Bellis, Mrs Denslow, Mrs McIver-Brown and Miss Niblett.


They are assisted by 

Mrs Markwick, Mrs Palmer and Mrs Pennock.



Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.

Mrs Steel is the Lower Key Stage 2 lead and will also happily answer any queries. 


PE Days For Spring Term


Monday and Wednesday


Please come to school wearing full PE kit. 

(Burton green t-shirt, black or navy tracksuit or black PE shorts and trainers) 

On Mondays we will be outside so please wear your tracksuit.

Year 3 and 4 Meet The Teacher Power Point

Curriculum Overview

Spring 1 2025 Overview

Welcome to Burton CofE Primary School