
Burton C of E Primary School

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Burton C of E Primary School

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At Burton CE Primary School, the mathematics curriculum ensures that all children thrive and develop a rich and connected understanding of core concepts regardless of their background or prior mathematical experiences. Our goal is that children will master what is being taught and be able to apply the maths to a range of situations and contexts.

Our lessons taught are carefully sequenced, taking into account The White Rose progression, the National Curriculum and teacher assessment; where gaps are identified, we aim to fill these as quickly as possible to ensure that no child be left behind.

Finally, we have adopted a mastery approach which allows children to develop a conceptual and connected understanding of core concepts through the use of manipulatives, the careful selection of examples and the precise use of mathematical vocabulary.

Maths is more than factual recall and following steps; it is about understanding how and why things work. It is also about being able to use the knowledge learnt in the classroom and applying it to the real world. We create positive experiences that provide firm foundations for KS3, KS4 and beyond by providing them with key skills and strategies to problem solve. Our vision is to develop analytical thinkers whilst keeping alive the love of learning and fosters our school values of Belong, Believe and Achieve.

Maths at Burton CE Primary School is a purposeful, engaging, and enriching experience which challenges all pupils to flourish into the best mathematician that they can be.

Maths at Burton

Maths Policy

Maths Calculation Policy

Welcome to Burton CofE Primary School