Summer Term 2
This years Sports Day was held on Friday 25th June and we are so thankful that the weather cleared for us all to enjoy a lovely day!
The children were able to take part in a round robin of events followed by running races in their class bubbles.
On Wednesday 23rd of June, Jamie Barrow came to visit us and held year group assemblies to tell us about his life and how he became Britian's fastest snowboarder and a Guinness World Record holder!
Summer Term 1
On Friday 28th of May, year 5 house groups played against each other in a netball tournament.
The first matches were Asia vs America and Europe vs Africa.
Asia and Africa won.
The next matches were Asia vs Africa and America vs Europe.
Asia and Europe won.
In the end Asia came ,
Africa came
Europe and America came joint .
The players all worked well in their role and everybody gave it their best.
Some of the players really stood out showing some of our sporting values.
- Emma, Layla N Ethan and Seth.
– Stanley, Charlie M, Elliott and Lilly.
– Eszter and Charlie T
– Isaiah
– Alice, Frank, Mac and Poppie.
Thank you to Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Slater for teaching us and putting on the tournament.
Aaron came to visit us here at Burton on Thursday 22nd April, he spoke to the whole school via a Zoom assembly and then invited out year 5 and year 6 for a workshop in the hall.
Aaron is a Rugby Para-Olympian who is going to take part in the 2021 Para Olympics.
Here is What Mrs Timmings had to say about his visit...
Ruby G Year 6
Spring Term 2
In preparation for National School Games Sport Week (June 21st-25th) we are planning on doing some virtual competitions as part of the Christchurch Schools Partnership until we are able to get back to normal.
Our first competition is Skipping: Videos - of the skipping challenges
KS1 how many skips in 20 seconds?
KS2 how many skips in 30 seconds?
We have spent some or our Sport Premium money on Rippa Rugby coaching. Joe has come in every Wednesday afternoon this year to work with all our children in Key Stage 2 who have loved running around in the wind, rain and getting thoroughly mud! They are also running a very popular after school club for years 5&6.
Autumn Term 2
Monday 14th December
Year 6 football tournament
Friday 13th November
Well done to Foxes and Badgers who demonstrated our sporting values of: Passion, Determination, Self-belief, Teamwork, Honesty and Respect during the Tag rugby Skills tournament.
Thank you to Mr Moody our School Games Organiser who came in to set up some fun activities involving lots of running for our Y3 children on a sunny Friday afternoon.
Autumn Term 1
This term Mr Moody, our School Games Organiser, came into run a Pentathlon Competition with Y5 and Y6. The children took part in: a vertical jump, a standing long jump, a speed bounce, a chest pass and a 100m shuttle run. Our Sports leaders were excellent role models organising their groups and recording the results.
Medals were given out to some children who showed our sporting values; passion, self-belief, honesty, respect, determination and teamwork.
When the results were compared to the other Christchurch Schools,
our Y6 came second and our Y5 children came first.
So well done to all those who took part.
to our new Y5 Sports Leaders:
Eddie, Seth, Maddy, Lola, Callum, Max, Connor, Ethan, Chloe and Alfie.
Mr Moody came into school today to work with the children; we talked about the importance of keeping fit and the skills and qualities needed to become a good Sports Leader.
The children invented lots of games and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. I look forward to seeing how they develop their skills over the next 2 years!
Mrs Slater