We encourage children to wear our school uniform to give them a sense of belonging and pride in their school.
Our uniform is:
- Bottle Green sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo
- White shirts, blouses or polo T-shirts with or with out logo
- Grey trousers, shorts, pinafore dresses or skirts – Black is also acceptable
- Summer dresses are green and white checked or striped
- Socks should be black, grey or white. Dark bottle green (matching school jumper) is also acceptable as are black grey or dark bottle green tights.
- Flat sensible black shoes or Ankle Boots
Ankle boots (not longer please) are also acceptable in the winter but these should be similar to school shoes in style (not soft Ugg boots which do not protect the feet). These should have fastenings the children can do up independently and not be uncomfortable for sitting cross legged on the floor. These may have a fleecy or fur lining inside but not be fur edged or have lots of adornments such as studs or gems.
Optional extras:
- A school tie in our school colour (to be worn with a shirt)
- School baseball caps
- A Colour Team badge
For PE
- Green T-shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers
Plimsolls are not needed, trainers are fine but without flashing lights unless these can be turned off for school.
- Dark tracksuit tops for PE outside or school jumper for keeping warm.
- Plain, dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings
Children may choose to wear PE shorts under their tracksuit bottoms for indoor PE but this is not essential if the tracksuit bottoms or leggings are cuffed or not wide legged as this is dangerous on hall apparatus.
Additional uniform guidance:
- Children should not wear trainers in school other than on PE days for outside games.
- Nail varnish and temporary tattoos are also not allowed.
- School shoes should be black and practical for running around at breaktimes. Children should not wear trainers in school other than for outside games. Flip flops, heeled shoes and strappy sandals are inappropriate.
- Jewellery is not allowed other than stud earrings and watches. Medical tags may be worn. All jewellery should be removed for PE.
- Hair should be a natural colour.
- Hair longer than shoulder length should be completely tied back. Please note this applies to boys and girls.
- Extreme hair styles are not allowed. This includes bright colour hair dye; whole or part of the head being close shaven and logos, lines or partings shaven into the hair.
- Ornamentation (hair bands, slides and bows) should be small in size and match school colours without unnecessary glitter, beads or gems. No large Jojo bows.
The school has a clothing assistance policy for those children eligible for free school meals.
This consists of receiving 2 sweatshirts per academic year.
If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office where we will be only too happy to help.
Our school uniform supplier is
QDOS Schoolwear
Carly or Dee - 07774-679472