Welcome to the Pupil Governors page for Burton CE Primary School.
Our wonderful team of pupil governors are a central part of the school community, meeting regularly and acting as a 'pupil voice' to influence decision making and school improvement. Each class has a note book to minute meetings and gather valuable peer feedback to inform our discussions and decisions.
Our Aims
We are the voice of the students
We aim to get things done to make our school better.
To find ways to improve our school.
To give every pupil a voice and to make all decision making fair.
To raise money for local and global charities.
Membership and Elections
Any pupil of Burton Primary School can put themselves forward to be elected democratically. Each candidate will be given time to think of a speech to present their class which will explain why they think they would be the best person to represent the views of their class. Then the classes vote for two people who they feel would get the job done the best by writing down the name of the two people they decide on.
Pupil Governors 2024-25
Roles are selected in a democratic election process where members vote with a show of hands.
Chairperson: Logan
Vice Chair Person: Ben
Secretary: Leo
Young Carer Reps: Isla and Storm
KS1 - Molly, Max, Max, Charlie, George, Charlotte
LKS2 - Willow, Brett, Isla, Lola, Leo, Alfie
UKS2 - Arthur, Logan, Caiden, Storm, Ben, Jack
Link Teacher: Mrs Steel, Mrs Otton
Pupil Governor meetings are held as often as possible. For the meeting to go ahead there must be at least 8 pupil governors present. Decisions will be made using a hands up or blind voting system. If a decision can’t be reached, it will be put to the whole school. Ideas and questions are put to classes/the whole school before they are voted on at a pupil governor meeting.
Pupil Governors Code of Conduct
As agreed by the Pupil Governors:
to be on time to every meeting
respect, value and listen to each other
support each other
take turns to speak
make decisions after we have listened to each other
always have the interest of the whole school at heart when making decisions
give all children a voice
have a positive 'can do' attitude
be kind
Matters discussed:
What we have done so far this year:
We voted for one of our charities to fundraise for this year would be Make a Wish Foundation. We decided to ask everyone to come dressed in their pyjamas and bring their teddy to school for the day.
We raised £456!