
Burton C of E Primary School

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Burton C of E Primary School

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The Tree & the River

The Tree & the River


As part of our Reading Fortnight, the whole school shared the wordless picture book, The Tree & the River by Aaron Becker. It was lovely to see what the different phases did with the text. 

Please enjoy looking at our art, poetry and discussions. 

EYFS's Collaborative Art

Children in Lower Key Stage 2 'read' the book and then chose 5 pages from it to tell the story. For each page, the children wrote a short poem to be performed. We hope you enjoy reading/watching them.  


Still image for this video

Children in Years 5 & 6 used the story as a stimulus for some art. They used water colours and technology to recreate the images seen and offer their own interpretations of the story. 

Welcome to Burton CofE Primary School