At Burton, great emphasis is placed on children thinking technically, designing and evaluating, as well as constructing purposefully. Design Technology within the school inspires a love of possibilities; the children are given many opportunities to 'think outside the box.' They are encouraged to research, test and adjust as they create. As a result, we have begun a drive to enhance our children's love of building.
Our DT curriculum runs under 4 strands of learning: Modelling leading to Woodwork, Construction using toys, Sewing and Textiles and Cooking and Nutrition.
Pupils will be given opportunities in all strands to explore and investigate. The teachers in each key stage area use the progression of skills to establish a base for learning and then the pupil’s needs are taken into consideration. The progression can be refined as needed and differentiation is expected to ensure that pupil’s skills are built on and new knowledge is learnt.
At Burton C of E Primary School our Design and Technology teaching prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. Children learn to produce practical solutions to real problems, with the ability to reflect on and evaluate design.
Through investigation, exploration and creativity our pupils will develop skills in design and construction, utilising tools effectively.
At Burton CE Primary School we aim to:
Engage the interest of all children by providing a curriculum that is challenging and enjoyable.
Develop confidence in all, each pupil will have the knowledge they can solve a technological problem, through design, construction, evaluation and modification.
Provide all pupils with equal access and opportunity to Design and Technology equipment and its uses in everyday life.
Ensure pupils have good Health and Safety attitudes and habits.
Investigate technological advances throughout history and use these to inspire pupils with their creations.
Ensure progression and differentiation within the process of DT in line with individual needs of the pupils.
All learning will be based on individual needs. DT will be differentiated as appropriate, ideally with the children’s interests as key.
I feel this vast experience will equip them for future life. So many jobs require DT as a fundamental skill. Looking at research, it would seem the industry has over 2 million employees and currently generates more than £100 billion a year.
A quote from a National College representative suggests, “The job of a teacher is to develop designers, engineers and technologists and unlock their potential.” Teachers have to “instigate a discussion about jobs and skills that design and technology develop.”
When you unpick the skills needed for DT, at EYFS, KS1 and KS2, you can see the foundations for many jobs.
The DT curriculum at Burton C of E Primary is engaging and stimulating. Where possible it will be taught as part of cross-curricular learning themes. These topics have been chosen to meet the National Curriculum. We have used our knowledge to select which strand of the DT curriculum is most appropriate at which time and created activities to achieve curricular intent.
Some units will be standalone projects to be taught to ensure appropriate progression and coverage of a range of skills and techniques. Where appropriate outside agencies will also be involved in Design projects. Pupils are encouraged to seek advice and question to gain a greater understanding of the challenge ahead of them.
Currently each year group is also taking part in 6 weeks of Forest Schooling. This has established a great foundation for Modelling leading to Woodwork.
Please see below for our DT Policy and Progression of Skills.
Any questions related to Design Technology please speak to Mrs Vaughan.