Our Core Christian Value supports the hand of friendship to our neighbours both near and far.
Our Christian Vision supports children to make a difference to others in our school and in Kismatui Primary School in Tanzania.
Exploring our spirituality by thinking of others globally.
Back in March this year, we informed you about how we had begun developing links with a Tanzanian school in Africa called Kismatui. It is our hope that as this link develops, it will provide invaluable learning opportunities for the children both in Burton and Tanzania to learn about the world around them by exploring similar and different perspectives, cultures, traditions, lifestyles and global issues.
As a school, we have been been privileged to work with Stuart Busby who has founded successful school partnerships in East Africa. He recommended that we initally developed our link with the Kismatui School by creating a book about Burton where our school is located. We set to work collecting information, and with your help, we received historic information and personal/family anecdotes about ten buildings in Burton.
At the beginning of this academic year, each class painted one of the ten buildings to be included in the book, and it is with great delight, that we can now inform you that the book ‘Burton in Ten’ is now officially on sale!
‘Burton in Ten – A Dorset Village in 10 buildings’ was produced by the children of Burton Church of England Primary School and is a celebration of the children and the community of Burton working collaboratively in a shared project.
‘Burton in 10’ is the perfect Christmas gift and is currently on sale at £5 per book! This allows for a profit of £1.50 per book to go directly back into the school to further enrich the children’s learning experiences.
The ‘Burton in 10’ book and the children’s art work of the buildings in Burton has travelled to Africa to be shared with the children in Kismatui Primary School. We have been promised lots of photos which are shared below. It is our hope that the children in Kismatui will create some pictures about their buildings to share with the children in Burton, so we can learn and celebrate our similarities and differences.
Thank you for your continued support and enjoy reading about the village of Burton by the wonderful children of our school and the community of Burton.
A photo of Burton School's artwork arriving at Kismatui school in Tanzania in Africa!
Burton Primary School's artwork in Kismatui Primary School in Tanzania in Africa.... wow!