This year we celebrated World Book Day by inviting children to come in wearing their cosy pyjamas or onesies. We wanted to focus on the pure enjoyment of reading a book! During the day, children paired up with reading buddies from another class in the school and were delighted to have a sneaky peak at the gorgeous new books we have coming to our new school library. Children enjoyed looking at, reading and discussing from a range of genres and text types. As well as some wonderful picture books, they also looked at graphic novels, non-fiction and poetry books. Everyone really enjoyed the sessions.
A brand new book for every child at Burton!
Rather than giving out book tokens this year, we shared the £1 World Book Day books with the children before the big day. Children were able to choose one from the selection and take it home with them on the day. It was so lovely to see their enthusiasm for the new books - they were so excited to read them and take them home to share.