
Burton C of E Primary School

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Burton C of E Primary School

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Pupil Governors 2022-23

Roles are selected in a democratic election process where members vote with a show of hands.

Chairperson: Ollie & Josh

Vice Chair Person: Alison

Secretary: Jessica

Treasurer: Ava & Faith

Members: KS1 - Billy, Lorenzo, Leo, Kendall, Isla, Ava. LKS2 - Arthur, Artemis, Ava, Emily, Caiden, Sienna. UKS2 - Melissa, Faith, Teddy, Jessica, Josh, Alison, Jayden, Ollie.

Link Teacher: Mrs Steel, Mrs Otton, Miss Colbourne



Matters discussed:

At our meetings, we have been talking about our new behaviour policy. We have thought about and spoken to our classes about how it is going. Do we use the new visual signs in the classroom? Are we clear when we know we have done something well? Do the children know the consequences for poor behaviours?


We have also been finding out what helps us to learn and what helps us remember things. Mrs Steel then shared our ideas with the staff to help us with our learning.



What we have done so far this year:


Christmas pet photo competition

In December we decided to hold a Christmas pet photo competition - We raised £100 for Julia's House.


The winners were:


YR/1/2 - Sophia and Darcey     Y3/4 - Maddie                    Y5/6 - Aurora             Staff - Miss Colbourne


Friday 10th February - Hair2Care day


We arranged a Hair2Care day to raise funds for the wonderful MyTime Young Carers charity. Children were asked to do 'something weird and wonderful' with their hair for a suggested donation of £1.


If you would like more information on MyTime Young Carers ( a cause we feel strongly about at Burton) you can find them here:

Welcome to Burton CofE Primary School